All-In for 2024 - What's to Come?

Well. What a response to the annoucement of the blog. I've been blown away by the messages, comments and shares from those supporting this little project of mine. It has, already, far exceeded my expectations. So thank you!

In the last entry I mentioned a short video which I titled "All-In". It was only a late-night put together of some of my favourite clips/footage from last season but has done extremely well. Therefore today I thought I'd go into the meaning of this a bit more. Mostly because the phrase itself seems to have stuck and has shown up in a few comments and shares from others - which has been both amusing and nice to see. Shattered Lens Paintball as a Media entity doesn't have a slogan or tagline, and I have to say this is the closest I've come to one. Maybe it's time for a new shirt...

I whole heartedly believe that you should only do something creative if you put all you have into it. For me, there's no reason to not do this. Part of why I've not been hugely committal to paintball in recent seasons has been the lack of ability (or knowing I couldn't give) something I've been either asked to do, or want to do, my absolute best shot. I know from my own experiences that if I don't put everything into something, I'm very rarely satisfied with the end result. That is enough reason for me. I think it is definitely fair to say this same thought process turns up in most other aspects of our lives, whether that be education, learning new skills or working hard to progress in your chosen career.

So this year, I'm applying that to paintball. I'm very much playing my own hand and betting everything on it. The idea; create cool things and give back something to Paintball.

To produce "content" that those in the community will enjoy and share with others. I've invested in new equipment which I hope will ultimately increase the quality of my work. Further to that, re-ignite a passion for my hobby again within a game I love.

Photo - Myself at CPPS, 2018 by Llucia Wood Photography

Paintball is isolated in that it's fairly hard to explain what we do or what the "professional" side of the game is. Media is our only real way to show our friends/colleagues this world that for the most part is hidden away from public view. Every single time I've tried to explain friends who aren't in paintball, what I do, it always tends to raise more questions, which I'll of course happily answer and explain - but there is always the same surprised tone. I would even go as far to say my closest family members probably still don't understand it, but they support me none-the-less.

We'd all like for paintball to grow, media exposure is certainly one way to do that. Which is why it is so important there are people that still do it, and in the words of Dylan Fout (who you may know from the Bunker to Bunker Series on YouTube and the recent Dye Videos on Aftershock's comeback), - "Keep Making Things".

Some of the Pro Media in the US especially are highly talented and skilled individuals, whom have happened to drop into the world of paintball, likely the same way we all have. I very much doubt that many of them decided on paintball as a platform to try and begin a media career - but - for some this has happened. Whether that be remaining within the industry working with companies like GoSports, or have gone off to produce other things in the TV/Film world. For me, this shows the potential reach of our sport and something that can absolutely be pushed. In a way I think paintball takes it for granted, but in that sense, shows how much passion exists within.  

Anyway, I've digressed. The question I've been asked most often is what content is coming from me this year. This is something I have technically already answered in that I want to tell some of the "stories of paintball".

Following the release of Dedication last year, a video about Alan Smith and the Mayhem Tigers, (which you can find below) - I knew I wanted to make more, but kept doubting the possibility of completely committing to that idea, for the reasons I've mentioned already. Documentary-Type Videos are very hard and incredibly time consuming to make, which is why most video in paintball is a lot more focused on shorter pieces that don't require the same levels of commitment, budget and is far more manageable. Plus it is also a question of views. Ultimately now we're firmly in the TikTok, Reels and Shorts age and you can't fit a piece like Dedication or R18 into this format. However, in a way I compare this to print media, and how this was left behind when everything digitized. There is still room and demand for longer documentary-style videos. I'm planning to fill that space as best as I can.

So, at the start of the year I was planning for this to be one or maybe two videos. I can say at this stage it is very likely to be more than that - but in varying formats. I have some great ideas for shorter videos on specific topics/teams/individuals - which those I've approached are fully on board with. Between all of this will be smaller more "standard" releases. This you've already had a taste of in the last couple of weeks via my social channels. Then, not forgetting of course, The Sideline.

And Finally, the first full episode of "The Stories of Paintball" This will take a bit longer to film, and certainly take time to put together, but I am working towards this being the best paintball video I've produced to date. So it will not be rushed and it will be released, when its ready.

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Ant Perry
2 months ago

That "theplaceforthings" channel is amazing! I love the cinematic / grainy style he has.